AI Vision Glove Inspection Machine By using advanced Al software, our solution can achieve comprehensivedetectionof fingers,palms and cuffsof glovesduringtheir movement,identify defective gloves and remove them.seope:OCEurately detect oil stains,dirt spots,and damage on gloves Detection scope:acurately detect oil stains,dirt spots,and damage on gloves. Solution Introduction Glovesare tested beforestripping, duringstripping andhalf stripping in multiple stations.The software utilizes Alalgorithmtoanalyzeand identify the defectivegloves. Defectedgloves canberemovedbyrollerremoval machineandtheairblowingmachine,to ensurethesuccess rateof the defectiveremoval.
Software Specification 1. AI SystemDetection Thesystemautomaticallyadjuststhe inspectionthresholdsforvariousdefects. 2. Integrated CumeraMount Integrated camera mount can maximally savesspace withoutbeinglimitedbyinstallationspaceconstraints. 3. Remote Control After connection tointernet,the device can beremotely controlledandmonitored for operation. 4. User Permissions Different users have differentpermissionson thesystem. 5. Defects Review Canreviewhistorical defectivephotos,easytoanalyzethereasonof defectsduringproduction. 6. Real-time Statistics & Display of TheProduction Speed The front-endinterface can display thespeed of productionline inreal-time, thetotalnumber of glovesas well as the defectratio of
defectivegloves are inspected. 7.Warning Systemalertsincaseofanomaliestopreventequipmentmalfunctionsandthe occurrence of large quantitiesof defects.